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August 15th, 2022


SCAG leadership and staff are shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of Regional Council First Vice President Carmen Ramirez who died Friday evening, August 12, 2022, after being struck by a vehicle in downtown Oxnard.

“The region has lost a tremendous woman and a skillful leader. Our hearts go out to Carmen’s family, as well as the so many others who knew and loved her,” said Regional Council President Jan Harnik.

“We are devastated by the tragic loss of First Vice President Ramirez and extend our deepest sympathies to her husband, Roy, her family and the many people she has touched,” said Executive Director Kome Ajise. “We will miss her leadership beyond measure. She cared deeply about her community and made an unforgettable impact during her legal and elected career.”

The Regional Council is anticipated to commemorate First Vice President Ramirez at its next regular meeting.