June 22nd, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




June 22, 2023


            Phillip Ramirez                         City of Brawley

            Jeorge Galvan                           City of Calipatria

            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico-zoom

            Andrea Montano                       City of El Centro

            Adriana Anguis                         City of Holtville

            Jesus Villegas                           City of Imperial

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial

            Ramiro Barajas                         City of Westmorland-zoom

            Manuel Ortiz                            Imperial Irrigation District



            David Aguirre                           ICTC   

            Marlene Flores                          ICTC

            Angela Delgadillo                     ICTC

            Manuel Cabrera                         City of Brawley

            Felix De Leon                           City of El Centro

            Ismael Garcia                            County of Imperial

            Adolfo Garcia                           County of Imperial

            Robin Owen                             Caltrans

            Marria Ibarra                            Caltrans

            Byran Ott                                 Caltrans

            Nick Ventrilla                           Caltrans

            Rafael Reyes                            Caltrans

            David Salgado                          SCAG

            Carmen Vargas                         Barclays

            Simon Gutman                          Barclays

            Chris Ougan                              Barclays



1.       The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. A quorum was present, and introductions were made. There were no public comments made.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for May 25, 2023 (Atondo/Anguis) Motion Carried.


3.       ICLTA Market Update and Financing Opportunities:

(Presented by: Carmen Vargas, Barclays

-          Barclays staff provided a brief presentation on the Imperial County Local Transportation Authority Market Update and Financing Opportunities. For any questions, please contact Carmen Vargas at carmen.vargas@barclays.com or Simon Gutman at simon.gutman@barclays.com



4.       ICTC Updates / Announcements                                                                                                   (Presented by ICTC Staff)

a.       Transit Planning Updates

·         Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) FREE FARES PROGRAM:

-          Due to the previous labor issues, ICTC implemented free fares for all services to assist with the inconvenience to the public. The labor issues have since been resolved but ICTC will continue to offer free fares to the public until further notice.

·         Bus Stop Improvement Project:

-          Staff are working on developing a bus stop improvement project across multiple cities throughout the county. The project consists of installing various bus shelters and potentially other amenities.

b.    Transportation Planning Updates 

·         Long Range Transportation Plan:

-          There will be a virtual community meeting held on Thursday, July 13, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. on the proposed transportation projects and improvements aimed at making it easier and safer to get around the valley.

-          There will also be open house drop-ins on Thursday, July 20, 2023, at various locations. Please see the attached flyer for more information. 

-          Project page: https://ictc-lrtp2023.org/

-          For more information, please contact Virginia Mendoza at virginiamendoza@imperialctc.org

·         FY 22/23 Federal / State Funded Project Obligation List:

-          Each jurisdiction confirmed the obligation status of each project.


5.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements:

(Presented by: Rafael Reyes and Robin Owen)

-          June 9, 2023, is the deadline to submit Inactive invoices or justifications.

-          July 14, 2023 – Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 22/23 Requests for Authorization – Due Immediately!

-          June 7, 2023 – Local Assistance Day Statewide Webinar (8:30 – 11:30)

-          Preparation Schedule for California Transportation Commission (CTC) Allocation Requests: When possible, do not wait to submit requests. Caltrans District 11 must receive all documents at least two months prior to the desired CTC meeting date.

-          Friday, August 18, 2023, is the final deadline (for that October 18-19, 2023, CTC meeting).

-          Projects with Lapsing Project End Dates (PED): On June 1, 2023, the list of active Project End Dates (PED) was updated.

-          A complete PED list – https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/projects/projects-with-expiring-end-dates

-          Reconnecting Communities: “Highways to Boulevards” Pilot Program: A call for projects and further details will be posted soon via this link –  https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/fed-and-state-programs/rc-h2b

-          July 10, 2023 – Deadline for Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program

-          July 14, 2023 – California Community Response Initiative to Strengthen Emergency Systems Grant

-          August 1, 2023 – FHWA Deadline for Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program (WCPP)

-          August 18, 2023 –USDOT Deadline for PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program

-          June 1, 2023 – Annual Deadline for Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibits 9-B & 9-C!

-          Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) Program: FHWA is anticipating the next call for applications in summer 2023 – https://highways.dot.gov/federal-lands/programs/significant


6.       SCAG Updates / Announcements:

(Presented by: David Salgado)

-          SCAG Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Reform Process: A link will be provided to the DRAFT RHNA Recommendations and the SCAG RHNA Reform Survey, open through June 30, 2023.

-          REAP 2.0 Housing Infill on Public and Private Lands Grant Program: SCAG is pleased to announce that the REAP 2.0 Call for Applications for the Housing

-          Infill on Public and Private Lands (HIPP) Program Pilot is now open until July 10. The completed application and all required attachments must be submitted by email to housing@scag.ca.gov with “HIPP Application” in the subject line. An emailed Dropbox link is also acceptable.


7.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

·         Each jurisdiction gave their update.


8.       General Discussion / New Business

No new business was discussed.


Next TAC meeting will be on August 24, 2023, via Zoom for the public and in person at the ICTC offices.


Meeting adjourned at 11:26 a.m.